The clan system also lets you send and receive clan troops. Either way, the mechanics of the Clan Wars desktop make COC playable by introverts and extroverts alike. If you manage to win wars, you will be rewarded generously! Depending on the size of your clan, Clan Wars can be 25v25 or 50v50. Join clans and fight together in epic Clan Wars. For example, the Witch can constantly spawn skeletons to support your siege! Another great example is the Hog which can jump across the walls and insta-wreck turrets. These troops are very powerful and have interesting skills.

They all have their niche uses, so none of them will become obsolete over time! In addition to the regular troops, dark elixir troops make the gameplay more fun. Troops range from the run-off-the-mill Barbarians and Archers to the impeccable Pekka. Alternatively, just save enough gold so that you can skip until you find an enemy with a base that sucks! Thus, they should have an army that can fight different defensive configurations. Throughout each attack, players will have a different troop vs. Moreover, base defenses are composed of different tower combinations! Hence, COC challenges players to prepare versatile armies and defenses.
The sheer amount of possible combinations of spells, troops, and heroes make COC PC ultra-interesting. After all, fattening your coffers is more important than the freeloading virtual people of your village! Just pile up your resources in a well-protected area and you are safe from anything except pesky goblins. Thus, it is wise to spread out your defenses, and create choke points for traps and turrets! Unfortunately, spreading your defense too thin means that enemies can do concentrated pushes! If you are not interested in the trophies, just let your enemies burn your TH and your village. However, letting half of your village burn to smithereens means another free star for your opponent.

On the other hand, pros who try to avoid climbing too high will intentionally expose their town halls. Most beginner players prefer this tactic. Thus, defending your town hall is a valid tactic. Losing your town hall means that your opponent will automatically get a star and therefore a fraction of your gold. For instance, you can beef up the defenses of your Town Hall to avoid losing trophies! There are tons of options available, and all of them are valid. Thus, a good base defense is one of the keys to trump the game. In Clash of Clans PC, a well-arranged base can easily crush even the most powerful attackers. It is up to you to allocate your resources between your base and your army! Build Awesome & Powerful Structures
As you upgrade your Town Hall, your pool of towers will grow in strength and number! In addition to the base management, you will also have to manage your resources to build up an army. You have a limited pool of towers, resource collectors, and walls to strategically arrange. The main highlight of Clash of Clans PC is the satisfying base-building mechanics. However, the game’s asynchronous nature means that once you unleash your trusty troops, you can no longer control them. This means that the game is played like Real-time Strategy Games such as Red Alert. In case you haven’t heard about Clash of Clans yet, it is the king of asynchronous RTS games.